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Conferences, seminars

On holding the XIV International Economic Forum of the CIS Member States "Green Agenda in the CIS countries: cooperation in development" (March 18, 2022, Moscow)

On March 18, 2022, the Business Center for Economic Development of the CIS, with the support of the CIS Executive Committee, is holding the XIV International Economic Forum of the CIS Member States "Green Agenda in the CIS countries: cooperation in development" in a hybrid format.

The forum will be held simultaneously with the next meeting of the CIS Economic Council with the participation of vice-premiers of the Commonwealth states, representatives of the CIS Executive Committee, senior officials of the ministries of economic development, finance, industry and trade, innovative development, representatives of authorities, chambers of commerce and industry, industry associations and banking communities, as well as entrepreneurs of the Commonwealth countries, representatives of the media, foreign guests and partners.

The program of the forum includes a Plenary session, as well as thematic sections on the topics:

the mission of national development institutions in the green agenda of the CIS countries;

risks and opportunities of decarbonization of the economy for enterprises of the CIS countries;

single-industry towns: investment in development;

personnel for the "green" economy;

transformation of the oil and gas industry of the CIS countries in the context of decarbonization;

sustainable development of the mining industry and metallurgy in the CIS countries.

For more information about the Forum, please follow the link:


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