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Conferences, seminars

Exhibition and Workshop "Prospects for setting up the nanoindustry in Belarus" (Minsk, 27 March 2013)

The State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus (SCST) invites you to take part in a specialized exhibition "Prospects for setting up the nanoindustry in Belarus”. The main objective of the exhibition is to promote the market of innovative technologies consumers. The exhibition will feature samples of products, innovations and technologies ready for introducing in domestic and foreign markets. For exhibits, which for technical reasons cannot be presented at the exhibition, posters and electronic presentations showing them in action will be demonstrated.

Within the framework of the exhibition a workshop "Prospects for setting up the nanoindustry in Belarus” will be held on 27 March 2013. To participate in the exhibition and workshop, organizations and companies subordinated to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry, other ministries and departments, innovative companies and enterprises engaged in development of nanoproducts are invited, as well as potential investors.

The venue of the workshop: 7 Pobeditrlry ave, Minsk, BelISA, SCST’s Consulting and Methodological Center (1st floor). Participation in the exhibition and workshop is free-of-charge.

To participate in the exhibition and workshop an application should be sent until 25 March 2013 by e-mail:, or by fax +375 17 2034592. For those who would like to make a presentation at the workshop, the materials (abstract of report or e-presentation) should be sent by 20 March 2013. The organizers are going to develop a catalogue of exhibits.

Contact information:

Valery Kratenok, Head, SCST’s Consulting and Methodological Center, BelISA, tel. +375 17 2036477, e-mail:
Marina Lapitskaja, researcher, SCST’s Consulting and Methodological Center, BelISA, tel. +375 17 2034587, +375 29 6837482, e-mail:

Source: BelISA, Consulting and Methodological Center of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus


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