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Conferences, seminars

International Seminar "7 Framework program for research and technological development of the European Community: opportunities for participation of research organizations of Belarus" (Minsk, 17 October, 2006)

On 17 October, 2006 the State Committee for Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian institute of system analysis and information support of scientific and technical sphere, National information point for the EU FP6 and INTAS, Coordination centre on cooperation with UNESCO and other international organizations of the National academy of sciences are going to carry out the International Seminar “7 Framework Program for research and technological development of the European Community: opportunities for participation of research organizations of Belarus”.

The Seminar will be held in the Presidium of the National academy of sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 66, Large Hall, 2 floor). Registration begins at 9.00, the Seminar starts at 10.00.

Participation in the Seminar is free-of-charge, preliminary registration (application form for participation to be filled in) is obligatory. For participation, please, send the application form till 12 October, 2006 by e-mail: or fax (17) 2840231.


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