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Conferences, seminars

International Workshop on EU-EECA cooperation in photonics and nanoelectronics technologies (Minsk, 17-18 May 2010)

On 17-18 May 2010 the Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere is going to carry out the international workshop on EU-EECA cooperation in photonics and nanoelectronics technologies within the Thematic Priority “Information and Communication Technologies” of the EU 7 Framework Programme for Research, Technology and Development.

It’s organized by the consortium of IncoNet EECA project (the full name is “S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian countries”, funded through the FP7. One of the project tasks is to increase participation of EECA partners in the research projects of the FP7.

To increase cooperation with a definite country or region the European Commission may provide the focus partners with additional instruments which multiply their opportunities on participation in the Programme, e.g.  inclusion of SICA, Specific International Cooperation Actions for EECA in the works programmes. Participation of partners from the focus region in such projects is not only possible as it is in the “ordinary” collaborative projects but obligatory. Another option is the recommended participation of the partners from this or that region in the consortium.

To discuss, select and justify the topics of the projects for EU-EECA cooperation in photonics and nanoelectronics technologies the international workshop in Minsk will be devoted. The agreed recommendations of EECA and EC experts will be presented to the European Commission for possible inclusion in future ICT work programmes of the FP7.

What topics have more chances? First, those in which the representatives of our region are really strong enough. Second, they have to be aimed on decision of specific regional problems and at the same time to fit the EU interests, other words they should fit the FP7 priorities. Interdisciplinary character of research is of utmost importance. Moreover, the projects have not to be small: the average EC contribution to the budget of the FP6 ICT small or medium sized project was 2 mln Euros (for 1,5-3 years) and ar. 10 mln – for the large one (3-5 years).

More in details about the Workshop and requirements for participants:


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