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Report on the International Exhibition "20th Anniversary of CIS: towards new partnership horizons", 28 June – 3 July 2011, Moscow


In accordance with the decision of the CIS Economic Council of 17 June 2010, on 28 June – 3 July in Moscow, in the Pan-Russian Exhibition Center the International Exhibition “20th Anniversary of CIS: towards new partnership horizons” took place. It was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of CIS.

The Exhibition was organized with the aim to promote developing of international cooperation in priority areas of CIS activities in economic, social and humanity spheres. It was intended for creating a positive innovation and investment image of CIS member states, developing effective communication and strategic partnership, as well as for demonstrating the results and prospects of cooperation. 

According to the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2011 approved by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 9 February 2011 N164, a national exposition of Belarus had to be organized within the International Exhibition. The State Committee for Science and Technology (SCS&T) has acted as a collective organizer of the two sections — the section of S&T developments in the National Exhibition and the branch section “Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation” under the aegis of the CIS International Council on Cooperation in S&T and Innovation Areas. Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of S&T Sphere (BelISA) has been entrusted with organizing the both sections.

Within the collective section of S&T developments at the National exposition (54 sq. m), over 150 developments have been presented by organizations of the Ministry of Education, State Military Industrial Committee, National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Health of Belarus.

Key areas:

Ministry of Education — metallurgy, processing of surfaces, laser technologies, new materials, new supersound technologies, industrial wastes processing, energy, medicine, light industry, construction, machinery building;

National Academy of Sciences — energy, new equipment, nanotechnologies;

State Military Industrial Committee — several large innovative projects in automation of the state managing bodies and informatization, projects in automation of transport and ICT developments for energy; new devices and equipment for military and  civil purposes.

In the section “Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation” a poster exposition of joint innovative projects of CIS states has been presented.

The members of Belarusian delegation have taken part in the business part of the program which included in particular the following events:

  • International scientific and practical conference “The Union State for the benefit of peoples” within the framework of the Day of the Union State;
  • An extended meeting of the Inter-Academic Council on the issues of the Union State developing;
  • Round table “Integration potential of Russian and Belarusian Science”;
  • Innovative Forum-Conference “Public-private partnership in science, technology and innovation in CIS countries. Challenges, prospects and new models in management”;  
  • Round table “Experience of innovation projects commercialization in CIS” within the Innovation Forum;
  • Workshop “New programs to support innovative projects in information technologies and software development”.

Within the framework of the Exhibition, the SCS&T jointly with BelISA has organized a seminar-presentation of Belarusian research centers and universities and their S&T developments. Representatives of the SCS&T and members of the scientific delegation have been interviewed by Belteleradiocompany and “MIR” International Teleradiocompany.


Source: BelISA, Department of S&T actions, marketing and consulting.


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