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The Hanover International Industrial Fair "HANNOVER MESSE 2009" (20-24 April 2009, Hanover, Germany)


On 20-24 April 2009 in Hanover, Germany the Hanover International Industrial Fair “HANNOVER MESSE 2009” took place. This year 6150 companies from 61 countries all over the world were represented at the Fair. Within the framework of the “Hannover Messe” 14 international industry shows have been organized. They covered practically all spectrum of industrial technologies and areas of their application representing key technologies and perspective ideas. Within the framework of the Exhibition over 2 000 actions, including congresses, debating forums, seminars on various topics, master classes with participation of the authoritative persons, and also brokerages have taken place.

 According to the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2009 approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 08.12.2008 N 1884, at the Hanover International Industrial Fair a national exposition of the Republic of Belarus has been organized. The State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus together with Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere played a role of a collective organizer of the S&T section in which over 160 exhibits were presented by 11 organizations of the Ministry of Education and 5 institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The total area of the S&T sections was 100 sq. m.

The Ministry of Education of Belarus was represented by the following universities and organizations: Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University, Gomel State University named after F.Skoryna, Belarusian State University of Transport (Gomel), Belarusian-Russian University (Mogilev), Vitebsk State Technological University, Gomel State Technical University named after P.Sukhoy, Polotsk State University, Brest State Technical University, and also the Scientific Technological Park “Metolit” at BNTU.

The exposition of the Ministry of Education was composed of natural samples, breadboard models, tablets, posters and presentations in different areas — metallurgy, processing of surfaces of details, laser technologies, new materials, and new technologies using an ultrasound, processing of industrial wastes, medicine, light industry, construction, machine and instrument making.

The exposition of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was composed of developments of the Institute of Physics named after B.Stepanov, Scientific Practical Centre of the NAS on Material Sciences, Institute of Metals’ Technology (Mogilev), Scientific Production Amalgamation “Tsentr” and the Republican Centre of Technology Transfer.

As for the visitors of the Exhibition interested in new technologies, the greatest interest has been expressed towards developments of the NAS in new materials, nanotechnologies and production of the SPA “Tsentr”. Also, the tools for search of the information about Belarusian technologies on the Internet portal of the Republican Center of Technology Transfer and the mechanisms of operative communication with Belarusian developers were explained to the visitors of the Exhibition.

In general, the Exhibition has passed successfully: the results of negotiations have opened certain prospects for the post-exhibition period. Over 200 contacts and negotiations with potential partners all over the world, including Northern and Southern America, Africa and Asia have been held.


Source: BelISA  


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