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Hanover International Industrial Fair "HANNOVER MESSE 2013" (8-12 April 2013, Hannover, Germany)


In accordance with the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2013 approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 20.12.2012 N 1177 and the Plan of international actions of the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus (SCST) for 2013, the SCST together with BelISA has acted as a collective organizer of a science and technology exposition of the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the International Industrial Fair "HANNOVER MESSE 2013” which took place in Hanover, Germany from 8 to 12 April 2013.


Belarus S&T exposition was formed by the two stands: a collective stand of the SCST (D60) in the Pavilion 2 and a collective stand of the High-Tech Park (HTP) in Hall 7 (A53). An the SCST’s collective stand (total area of 92 sq. meters) over 130 developments have been demonstrated by 12 organizations of the Ministry of Education and 3 institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The HTP stand has been formed by the two companies – residents of the HTP. The Belarusian delegation working at the two stands consisted of 28 experts. The exhibits have been presented by samples, multimedia presentations, posters and informational handouts, catalogues, flyers and CDs.

Mr Andrey Gyro, the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in Germany visited the exposition of the Ministry of Education and discussed the current status of bi-lateral S&T cooperation and possibilities of expanding it. The feasibility of Belarus research centers’ participation in specialized exhibitions, e.g. in the leading event of this type in the field of IT-technologies, "CEBIT" has been debated as well.



During the Fair life time, numerous letters of intent, agreements and treaties on cooperation have been signed and plentiful negotiations with representatives of various commercial companies and research organizations of 19 countries conducted: Russia, China, Germany, India, Korea, the United States, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Taiwan, Nepal, Poland, Austria, Turkey, Mexico, Israel, Lithuania, Spain, Thailand. Among others, agreements on joint research and developments have been negotiated.

In addition, based on the results of the talks an attention of representatives of foreign organizations to cooperation with Belarus and interest towards Belarusian university graduates were indicated. Members of the Belarusian delegation actively participated in seminars, round tables and conferences connected to the Fair.

In general, Belarusian S&T developments at the Hannover Fair are of traditionally high interest for partners from both research organizations and private companies. High professional level and motivation, as well as effective activities of the Belarusian delegation on its own stand and connected seminars, round tables, conferences, etc., have made it possible for Belarusians to consult with foreign specialists, learn modern approaches to development of the most important branches of industry and research, promote prospective high-tech and innovative developments, establish new and strengthen existing business relationships with scientific organizations and industrial enterprises in Europe and Asia, and also set up personal contacts with leading experts in science, technology and innovation.


Source: Department of S&T events and market research, BelISA.


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