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9th Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments (26-29 August, 2009, Moscow)


In concordance with the Plan of international events of the State Committee on Science and Technologies (SCS&T) for 2009, the SCS&T jointly with BelISA for the seventh time acted as collective organizers of Belarusian S&T section within the framework of the 9th Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments – the largest  international S&T event in Russia.


390 exhibitors from 46 regions of Russian Federation and 15 foreign countries took part in the show. 16 institutions of the Ministry of Education, 4 — from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and also Belarusian Innovation Fund and the Republican Centre of Technology Transfer were among the participants.

Belarusian scientific delegation presented over 180 S&T developments in national priority areas of R&D activities: information and telecommunication systems, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, energy and energy saving, renewable sources of energy, effective nature management, biotechnologies, alive systems, medicine and pharmacy, etc.

It should be marked that considerable number of presented developments and exhibits are made or being made in the framework of the state S&T programs (“Industrial biotechnologies”, “Energy conservation” and etc.) and within the State Program of Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2010.

The opening ceremony was held on 26 August. Belarusian exposition was presented to the Moscow’s Mayor U.M.Luzhkov, Minister of Education and Science of Russia A.A.Fursenko, the heads of agencies of executive and legislative authorities, honorable guests who marked the high level of presented exhibits and developments.

On the stand of the Ministry of Education there were production and information models of 142 developments of Belarusian State University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University, Saharov’s International State Ecological University, Skorina’s Gomel State University, Suhoy’s Gomel State Technical University, Belarusian State University of Transport, Belarusian-Russian University, Polotsk State University, Brest State Technical University, Pushkin’s Brest State University, Mogilev State University of Foodstuffs, Vitebsk State Technological University, Kupala’s Grodno State University, and also the Scientific Technological Park of BSTU “Metolit”.

National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was presented by Scientific Practical Centre on Materials, Physical Technical Institute, Stepanov’s Institute of Physics, Instrument Making Plant “Optron”.

Republican Centre of Technology Transfer took part in the Salon one more time. On 27 August A.A.Uspenskiy, the head of the Centre made a report on “Contribution of the Republican Centre of Technology Transfer to the implementation of the State Program of Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2010: state and prospects” at the International Scientific Practical Conference “S&T cooperation of CIS. National innovation systems of CIS”.

Belarusian Innovation Fund took part in the Salon as well. The main task of participation was to organize an exhibition of innovative enterprises of Belarus, establish and discus the perspective areas of joint activities with the enterprises of Russia and other countries. Developments, information materials about the results of innovative projects have been presented on the stand of Belinfund. It should be marked that the exhibition took place in the active mode. There were contacts with visitors who were interested not only in concrete developments, but also played great interest to the cooperation with our republic in the other spheres.

At the Salon Belarusian scientists have carried out negotiations with the representatives of the scientific organizations and enterprises of Russian regions. The aim was to negotiate joint research in different spheres of science, and also the further industrial development and use of latest technologies. 12 protocols on intentions between Belarusian and Russian organizations and companies have been signed as a result of the negotiations.

According to the decisions of the international jury, some Belarusian developments and exhibits have got awards of the Salon. 27 medals and 11 diplomas have been received, including 7 gold medals, 10 silver and 10 bronze. It should be also stressed that 7 scientific developments presented by Belarusian scientists have got special awards of the show.

In the framework of the Moscow Salon the representatives of the delegation gave some interviews to the press, including the newspaper of the Union State “Sotyuznoe Veche”. During the first after-show days the information on the competition results was presented to BelTA, STV, BT. Tele and photo-reports have been made as well.



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