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Belarusian Industrial Forum-2008 (13-16 May 2008, Minsk)


Following to the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus N 4p of 17 January, 2008 on 13-16 May 2008 in Minsk the XIth International Industrial Exhibition “BelPromExpo — Modern Factory”, the XIIth International Specialized Exhibition “Energy and Resource Saving”, the IXth International Specialized Exhibition "Welding" and International Symposium “Technology. Equipment. Quality" was held.

The purpose of the Forum was to assist enterprises and organizations of Belarus in expanding production of high-tech products which are competitive in the internal and external markets, introduction of new science-based technologies and equipment in the economy, development of international cooperation, and also attracting investments into the national industry.


The Exhibition was supported by the ministries of industry, economy, trade, power, education, architecture and construction, transport and communications, agriculture and foodstuffs, State Committee for Science and Technology, State Committee on Standardization, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Department on Energy Efficiency, Minsk City Executive Committee, Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and also Public Association “Belarusian Engineering Society”.

At the Exhibition the expositions of domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations of various types of ownership and different thematic areas have been presented:

  • componentry for mechanical engineering, spare parts;
  • new materials for mechanical engineering on metal, ceramic and polymeric basis;
  • rolled metal;
  • modernized and restored equipment; technologies for repair and restoration;
  • monitoring systems of the quality of products; control, measuring and diagnostic equipment;
  • metrological and testing equipment; 
  • automation of industry; devices and components for industrial automation;
  • machine-tools and equipment; numerical control for metal processing;
  • equipment for lifting and transportation;  
  • production of mechanical engineering; motor industry and componentry in motor industry.  

The State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus (SCS&T) together with Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere (BelISA) represented collective S&T section at the XIth International Industrial Exhibition “BelPromExpo — Modern Factory”, XIIth International Specialized Exhibition “Energy and Resource Saving”, IXth International Specialized Exhibition "Welding" and International Symposium “Technology. Equipment. Quality". The Ministry of Education of Belarus was represented by 14 universities and organizations, the National Academy of Sciences – by 11 institutions.


In the frame of the Exhibition the International Scientific Practical Conference on Welding, Coatings and Surface Engineering was carried out. It was organized by the State Research-and-Production Association of Powder Metallurgy under the aegis of the NAS. During the conference 28 reports have been delivered by representatives of the NAS, and also organizations of the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Education, and Belarusian Engineering Society. In general, over 50 participants have taken part in the conference.


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