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National exposition of the Republic of Belarus in the 18th South African International Trade Fair "SAITEX", 17-19 July 2011, Johannesburg, South African Republic


In accordance with the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2011 approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 9 February 2011 N 164, Belarusian scientific delegation visited Johannesburg, South Africa where it took part in the South African Trade Fair “SAITEX”. The exposition has been organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus together with “BELINTEREXPO” company.

The State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus (SCS&T) jointly with Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere has been a collective organizer of a thematic session of S&T developments within the national exposition. At the SCS&T’s stand with the area of 36 sq.m developments and innovative projects have been presented by organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Ministry of Education in such areas as resource and energy saving, metallurgy, final processing of materials, coatings and hardening, laser and nanotechnologies, medicine, ecology and environment.

 Within the exhibition life time numerous meetings have been held with South African companies and neighboring African countries of which ar. 50 have resulted in concrete agreements on cooperation.

Visitors have been interested mostly in developments in medicine, hardening of materials, technologies for putting the special purpose coatings on instruments and cars’ parts, final processing of different materials and diamonds in particular, devices for controlling the temperature and composition of metals, equipment and technologies by “Tsentr”, State Scientific and Production Amalgamation for processing of mineral and non-mineral materials, producing the cubical crushed stone for beton manufacture and roads constructing, as well as in plasma and hydroabrasive cutting.

The main results include in particular the following:

  • Members of the delegation of the National Academy of Sciences have signed 2 protocols on intentions to develop collaboration in information technologies, mechanical engineering, medicine, electronics and biotechnologies, as well as to carry out joint training of highly qualified researchers and participation in international projects;
  • Several South African companies have proposed their services in promoting Belarusian S&T products in the South African market;
  • The pathways for bi-lateral research cooperation have been defined;
  • Belarusian universities have presented their offers in the area of education for foreign students.

In general, activities of Belarusian scientific delegation at “SAITEX” can be estimated positively. Within 3 days of the exhibition, the significant amount of information sufficient for successful follow-up activities has been collected. Meetings and negotiations carried out with African companies have demonstrated that this potential calls for further working out and transforming in research projects and commercial agreements. 


Source: BelISA, Department of S&T actions, marketing and consulting


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