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XV International Specialized Exhibition on Telecommunications, Information and Bank Technologies "TIBO-2008" (22-25 April 2008, Minsk)


On 21–25 April 2008 in Minsk the XV jubilee International Forum "TIBO-2008" was held which became the annual national review of global and domestic achievements in the field of communication, telecommunications, software, bank technologies, office engineering and consumer electronics.
The International Forum "TIBO-2008" is organized under the initiative of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization since 1994. Traditionally, the following state bodies and organizations take part in its preparation and realization: Ministry of Communication and Informatization, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Education, State Committee for Science and Technologies, National Bank, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Association of Belarusian banks, Minsk City Executive Committee, Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Technopark "Metolit" of BNTU, etc. The topic of the Forum is especially urgent for all areas of economic activity, social sphere and state management. The achievements demonstrated within the Forum actively promote transition of Belarusian economy towards the innovative model of development and acceleration of process of creating the innovative society.  
The XVth  jubilee Forum "TIBO-2008" was divided into traditional sections —  communication and telecommunications, computer and software, bank and financial technologies, systems of safety, and also “Torginfo” (equipment and software for automation of the trade), "ElCom" (electronic components),  “Digital House” (home appliances and electronics), “DigiPrint" (equipment and materials for digital seal) that have been added in the last years.
Within the framework of the Forum the Congress on Technologies of the Information Society, the republican competition of Internet resources “Internet Premium TIBO”, and also Belarus Open Cup in computer sports "TIBO Cup” have passed.
The basic purposes of the Forum "TIBO-2008" were as follows:
  • summarizing the results of 15 years period of ICT development in the Republic of Belarus;
  • discussing the problems and prospects of ICT effective application in all the spheres of Belarusian society by a wide circle of experts;
  • demonstrating advanced technological decisions in operation;
  • assistance in developing the own information industry and a market of telecommunication and information services.
The exhibition was opened by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Minister of Communication and Informatization of Belarus N.Panteley and the General Secretary of the International Union of Electrocommunication Kh.Ture.
According to the order of the Prime-Minister of the Republic of Belarus ¹ 8ð of 23 January 2008 the State Committee for Science and Technologies of Belarus (SCS&T) together with Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical sphere ("BeISA") have organized a collective section of S&T developments at the XVth International Specialized Exhibition on Telecommunications, Information and Bank Technologies "TIBO-2008".
The section of the Ministry of Education was comprised by 11 organizations:
  1.  Belarusian State University (BSU);
  2. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR);
  3. Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU);
  4. Belarusian State Technological University;
  5. Gomel State University named after F.Skoryna;  
  6. Belarusian State University of Transport (BELSUT);
  7. Polotsk State University;
  8. Brest State Technical University;
  9. Belarusian-Russian University;
  10. Scientific Technological Park “Metolit” of BNTU;
  11. Central Information Analytical Center of the Ministry of Education of Belarus.
 At the exhibition the latest developments of Belarusian high schools have been submitted: BSUIR for the first time has shown the covers for mobile telephones which absorb electromagnetic radiation, BelSUT — computer centralization of switches and signals of the IPUT’ Station of the Belarusian Railway and a Complex of hardware-software means for imitating tests on functional safety of microelectronic and microprocessor control systems of crucial technological processes, Scientific Park “Metolit” — Internet resource “Exhibition of S&T projects of the students and young researchers”.
As a result, the Ministry of Education was awarded with the diploma of “TIBO-2008” participant for organization of the collective exposition of the universities. Also, the following universities and organizations have been awarded: Scientific Park “Metolit”  — for development of the portal of the Ministry of Education “Exhibition of S&T projects of the students and young researchers”, R&D Lab “Network information technologies” of BNTU — for development of hardware-software complex intended for constructing the systems for accounting the power resources "«CONTROLLER", BSUIR — for development of the new technology of fast manufacture of system on a plate SoW, new technologies and materials for protection of the users of mobile telephones against electromagnetic radiation; and also for active participation in the exhibition, development of new software, presentation of modern technologies and materials.
Practically all the developments by BSU have generated the interest of the visitors. A number of companies and enterprises have expressed interest in cooperation with BSU and purchasing its S&T production. The BSU exhibitors have given interviews for national press – “Nastaunitskaya gazeta” (Teachers’ Newspaper), “Belarus” Radio, etc. The BSU stand is marked by the memorable diploma of the participant of the exhibition and diploma for development of the automated system of regional geomechanical monitoring of underground works.
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was represented at "TIBO-2008" by the following institutions:
  1. United Institute of Informatics Problems,
  2. Interbranch Scientific Practical Centre of Systems of Identification and Electronic Business Operations,
  3. Republican Centre of Technology Transfer,  
  4. Geoinformation Systems,
  5. United Iinstitute of Mechanical Engineering.
 With the memorable diplomas of the exhibition the following developments of the United Institute of Informatics Problems have been awarded:
  • a system for computer planning of surgical operations on a hip joint,
  • a system of conducting and on-line Internet access to the national database of industrial property objects,
  • models of the family of personal clusters "SKIF-TRIADA",
  • a system for automatic indexation and reviewing the S&T information.
 The Web-site of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus about S&T activities of the NAS became the winner of the “Internet Prize". It took the first place in the nomination “Foreign Language Resource about Belarus”. 
The State Military Industrial Committee of Belarus was represented by
  1. Research-and-production Enterprise "KAMERTON”,
  2. Research Institute of Computers,
  3. Republican industrial enterprise "LES".
 The actions of the Forum "TIBO-2008" attracted attention of a plenty of officials and top-managers of the largest Belarusian and foreign enterprises, creating thus additional opportunities for presentation of the latest products and services and establishing working contacts with the competent experts. Participation in the actions of the Forum allowed national R&D organizations and universities to establish new contacts with the representatives of foreign scientific and business circles.


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