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National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus Expo Feria "Belarus-2007" (December 7-9, 2007, Caracas)


Within the framework of the official visit of the President of Belarus A.Lukashenko in Venezuela during 7-9 December, 2007 in Caracas, at the territory of the Military Academy a National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus “Expo Feria “Belarus-2007” was held. The Exhibition was carried out in accordance with the Protocol of orders by the First Vice — Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus V. Semashko N 35/205-1219pr of 30 June, 2007. It was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian Trade and Commerce Chamber, and also NEC “BelEXPO”.  

The National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus was solemnly opened by the presidents of the two countries – A.Lukashenko and Ugo Chaves Frias.  The visitors of “Expo Feria “Belarus-2007” could familiarize with exhibits and products of 216 Belarusian companies, organizations and enterprises, investment projects, activities of free economic zones, bank and insurance sectors of the economy, tourist opportunities of the country, system of higher education in Belarus and conditions for training foreign students. The total area of the Exhibition has occupied more than 3500 sq. m.

The State Committee for Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus (SCS&T) has acted as a collective organizer of the scientific and technical part of the National Exhibition. At the collective stand of the SCS&T (the total area 201 sq. m) more than 230 exhibits and developments of 10 universities of the Ministry of Education, 10 organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 7 — of the Ministry of Public Health Services, 1 — of the Ministry of Communications and Information have been submitted.

A collective exposition of the Ministry of Education contained S&T developments reflecting basic research areas of universities, and also technologies and innovative products focused on potential consumers and partners in Venezuela. The President of Venezuela Ugo Chaves Frias visited the S&T section and spent there quite a long time getting acquaintance to the system of higher education in Belarus.  

The following thematic sections have formed a collective exposition of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:

  • technologies of information processing using the supercomputer architecture, and also space technologies;
  • super hard and ceramic materials, tools made of them, and also coatings;
  • instrument making;
  • laser technologies;
  • equipment and technologies for agricultural sector;
  • systems of biosafety in the field of agricultural biotechnology;
  • technologies and equipment for construction;
  • technologies for mechanical engineering.

At the exposition of the Ministry of Public Health Services the brief information on the last scientific developments and modern medical technologies in the area of epidemiology, traumatology, orthopedy, oncology, cardiology and opportunities of using them in the system of public health services of Venezuela have been demonstrated. The President of Venezuela Ugo Chaves Frias actively offered to develop scientific contacts with the experts of his country. The significant part of diagnostic systems developed in Belarus could find application in diagnostic laboratories of Venezuela.

The specificity of the National Exhibition in Venezuela consisted in the absence of large industrial enterprises in Caracas, where it was held. That is why there were not so many experts among the visitors which directly could be interested in the developments in the field of industry, mechanical engineering etc. Therefore, the first task of the members of Belarusian delegation in Venezuela was searching for proper partners which might be helpful in introduction of Belarusian developments in the economy of Venezuela.

By the results of the Exhibition the negotiations have been carried out and agreements on cooperation concluded including those about creation of scientific and technological park at the National Experimental University and joint Belarusian-Venezuelan Centre of Technology Transfer. 8 protocols on intentions have been signed in such areas, as technologies of water purification, creation of medicines on the basis of the activated carbon, creation of software and equipment for modeling complex technical objects, carrying out joint activities aiming at analyzing an opportunity of using a tool made from super hard materials, creation of joint Centre on mechanization of an agriculture in Venezuela for the subsequent manufacture of agricultural technique, etc. The preparatory work has allowed signing a number of contracts on delivery and sale scientific and technical high-tech production. Besides, after carrying out a series of constructive negotiations with the management of the Ministry of Science and Technologies of Venezuela, the invitation to Belarusian experts was received to take part in organization in Venezuela of the specialized scientific and technical centre.


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