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Belarusian Industrial Forum-2009 (19-22 May, 2009, Minsk)


According to the Order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus N 24p of 6 March, 2009 on 19-22 May, 2009 in Minsk the 12th International Industrial Exhibition “BelPromEXPO — Modern Factory”, 13th International Specialized Exhibition “Energy and Resource Saving”, 10th International Specialized Exhibition "Welding" and International Symposium “Technologies — Equipment – Quality” took place.
At the Exhibition the expositions of domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations of different type of ownership on various thematic sections have been submitted:
  • furnishing products in mechanical engineering, spare parts;
  • materials for new generation of mechanical engineering on a metal, ceramic and polymeric basis. Rolled metal, smithy production;
  • modernized and restored equipment. Technologies for repair and restoration;
  • monitoring systems of production quality. Controlling, measuring and diagnostic equipment;
  • methrological equipment, testing equipment;
  • automation of industry. Devices and components for industrial automation;
  • machines, tools, equipment. Program control for metal working;
  • lifting transport equipment;
  • production of mechanical engineering. Motor industry furnishing products;
  • developments in the area of renewed sources of energy.
 The State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (SCS&T) together with Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere represented collective section of S&T developments at these exhibitions. The total area of the section has overcome 140 sq.m. In the exposition 20 educational, scientific and research production organizations took part, of which 7 from the National Academy of Sciences and 13 from the Ministry of Education. The total number of exhibits was 250.
The collective exposition of the SCS&T has caused significant interest of the Exhibition visitors and participants. More than 150 negotiations on the submitted exhibits have been carried out. Among the most attractive developments the following ones could be named: 
  • weight measuring system (Belarusian National Technical University),
  • videoscopes and endoscopes,  a model of a composite carrying element for construction (Belarusian-Russian University),
  • heating elements for diesel engines (Technopark “Metolit” of BNTU),
  • heat insulating products from rigid penopolyuretanes, complex of the automated equipment for manufacture of heat insulating products from penopolyuretanes (Belarusian State University),
  • a gas analyzer, lidar complex for monitoring the atmosphere (Institute of Physics named after B.Stepanov),
  • details made of deterioration resistant cast iron, piston and compacting rings (Institute of Metals’ Technology),
  • frictional disks, penoceramics for a fused metal clearing (Institute of Powder Metallurgy), etc.
 Upon termination of the Forum all the organizations participated in the S&T section have been awarded with the diplomas for a high level of the developments demonstrated.  

Source: BelISA  


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