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Days of Science and Technologies of Belarus in the Republic of Korea (2-4 December 2008, Seoul)


On 2-4 December 2008 in Seoul, Republic of Korea the Days of Science and Technologies of Belarus were held. From Belarusian party the event have been organized by the State Committee for Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus (SCS&T), from the Korean one – by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technologies.

13 universities and innovative organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Education of Belarus, 6 scientific and research-and-production organizations of the National Academy of Sciences, 3 companies belonging to the Ministry of Industry, 4 research organizations of the Ministry of Public Health Services, and also a representative of the Ministry of Economy have taken part in the Days of Science. The program of the event included

  • joint scientific seminars,
  • seminar-presentation of S&T and innovation policy, national system of education and training personnel of higher scientific qualification, and also investment climate in Belarus,
  • exhibition of Belarusian S&T developments.  

The Days of Science have been opened with the seminar-presentation of S&T and innovation policy, national system of education and training personnel of higher scientific qualification, and also investment climate in Belarus. Chairman of the SCS&T V.Matyushkov, First Deputy Minister of Education À.Zhuk, Vice-President of the Presidium of the NAS A.Tsuganov, Deputy Head of Department of Investments, Ministry of Economy of Belarus N.Dmitrovich delivered reports at the seminar.

The joint scientific seminars covered such areas as new materials, nano– and biotechnologies. Representatives of the leading universities and R&D organizations of our country including Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Institute of Technology of Metals and Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the NAS took part in them. From the Korean party the scientists and experts of the Korean Institute of Material Sciences, Korean Institute of Science and Technologies, and also a number of universities participated in the seminars.

The reports of Belarusian and Korean experts presented during the joint scientific seminars have caused the mutual interest. After an exchange of more detailed information it’s planned to continue mutually advantageous cooperation.

At the exhibition 225 Belarusian S&T developments were presented in the following areas:

  • technologies of processing of metals, nanotechnologies;
  • information technologies, radioelectronics, microelectronics;
  • polymeric materials;
  • new materials and coatings;
  • energy saving and ecology;
  • modern technologies of getting, storage and use of hydrogen;
  • laser devices;
  • food processing industry and agriculture;
  • medicine.

During the Days of Science over 30 meetings and negotiations have been carried out which resulted in 7 agreements and protocols on intentions. The contracts were discussed on technologies of processing of metals, new materials and laser technologies. The realization of these contacts is planned for 2009.

It’s possible to get familiar with the information materials of the Days (in English) in the Department of S&T events and marketing research, BelISA.


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