BelISA    EVENTS    Fairs
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Fair of innovative developments "Building materials and technologies"


On March 16, 2022, within the framework of the business program of the 24th International Architectural and Construction Exhibition "BUDEXPO-2022" (National Exhibition Center "BelExpo", Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 14), a fair of innovative developments "Building materials and technologies" will be held .

We invite to participate in the fair authors of innovative developments from scientific organizations and educational institutions, innovative enterprises, representatives of republican government bodies and other organizations in charge of innovative activities, as well as investors, consumers, and other interested parties.

Participation in the fair is free. Start of work — 10:30.

Catalog of innovative developments .

Innovation Fair Program .

Applications for participation for developers with a description of innovative projects (in Russian and English) must be sent by February 25, 2022 inclusive to the e-mail address . When providing information about innovative developments, we also ask you to pay special attention to the presentation of developments created using budgetary funds and subject to mandatory commercialization (performed within the framework of state, regional and sectoral scientific and technical programs, other state programs and individual innovative projects.

Interested participants need to register online before March 14, 2022 or send an application using the attached form to the email address

Additional information on holding and participating in the fair can be obtained by calling: +375 (17) 203 13 19, +375 (17) 379 60 13.

Results of the event

On March 16, 2022, a fair of innovative developments "Building materials and technologies" was held as part of the XXIV international architectural and construction exhibition BUDEXPO-2022.

The fair was attended by 23 representatives of organizations of various forms of ownership. 18 innovative developments out of 22 included in the Catalog of innovative developments were presented at the fair by scientists of the Branch of the BNTU "Research Polytechnic Institute", the Branch of the Belarusian State Technical University "Belarusian State College of Building Materials Industry", educational institutions "Belarusian State Technological Institute", "Brest State Technical University”, “Belarusian State University of Transport”, “Polotsk State University”, Interstate Educational Institution of Higher Education “Belarusian-Russian University”, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Siberian State Industrial University”.



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