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Republican action "Belarus Remembers: Relay of Memory"

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus in the Great Patriotic War, representatives of the State Committee on Science and Technology and the state institution "Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere" — participants of the XI Forum of Belarus and Russia — paid tribute to the generation of victors by laying flowers on Victory Square in Vitebsk at the memorial complex in honor of the soldiers-liberators, partisans and underground fighters.




Tatyana Stolyarova — on the role of Union State programs in the formation of a single scientific and technological space

Deputy Chairperson of the State Committee for Science and Technology Tatyana Stolyarova spoke at a seminar on the development and implementation of programs and projects of the Union State, timed to coincide with the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia.




Exhibition "Intellectual Belarus" opens in Vitebsk

During the period from June 27 to 30 in Vitebsk, among the numerous events of the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, the exhibition “Intellectual Belarus” is held, which demonstrates to visitors the latest developments and current achievements of science and technology.




Seminar on current issues of development and implementation of programs and projects of the Union State

On June 26, in Polotsk, as part of the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, a seminar was held on current issues in the development and implementation of programs and projects of the Union State.




Priorities in science and forecast until 2045: a meeting of the commission on state science and technology policy was held at the Government House

Under the leadership of the Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, a meeting of the Commission on State Scientific and Technical Policy under the Council of Ministers was held, at which the draft Comprehensive Forecast of Scientific and Technical Progress of Belarus for 2026-2030 and for the period up to 2045 and proposals for priority areas of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities for 2026-2030 were considered.



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