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The Regulation on the procedure for assigning the State Quality Mark was approved


Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 224 of March 29, 2024 approved the Regulation on the procedure for awarding the State Quality Mark. The legal act was adopted in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of January 18, 2024 No. 21 "On the State Quality Mark".

According to the Regulation, the quality mark is annually assigned to food products, industrial goods for the population, industrial and technical products produced by legal entities of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, products must meet quality indicators, which include safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability, and aesthetics.

The document also defines the categories of products that do not receive a quality mark. Among them::

tobacco products, non-tobacco nicotine-containing products, liquids for electronic smoking systems;

weapons and military equipment;

food products obtained using genetically engineered (transgenic) organisms;

products whose quality and safety are subject to complaints from representatives of state control (supervision) bodies during the year preceding the year of submitting an application for assigning a State Quality Mark to products.

Responsible authorities evaluate products based on the following quality indicators:

Gosstandart – safety (electrical safety, fire safety, chemical and biological safety, the level of electromagnetic, radiation and other radiation, other properties depending on the type of product being evaluated);

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection-environmental friendliness (compliance with the established standards for permissible emissions of pollutants and discharges of chemical and other substances into the environment, reducing the accumulation of industrial waste and the volume of industrial waste sent to burial);

State Committee on Science and Technology-innovativeness (the degree of improvement in product quality caused by a change in technology or the use of a new technology, as well as the use of other solutions);

republican state administration bodies and other organizations subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus that carry out state regulation in the production of relevant products, and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus – manufacturability (labor intensity, material intensity, energy intensity of manufacturing a unit of production, progressive processing and assembly methods, raw materials used, equipment and technologies used, depending on the type of product being evaluated).

The indicator of aesthetics (informational expressiveness, rationality of form, perfection of execution and design, etc.) is determined by online voting of consumers.

If a product does not meet at least one of the quality indicators, Gosstandart will send a notification to the manufacturer about the refusal to assign a quality mark to this product.

Within twenty days from the date of adoption by the authorized commission of a decision on the possibility of assigning a quality mark to products, Gosstandart prepares and submits a draft Government resolution to the Council of Ministers in accordance with the established procedure.

The date of assigning the quality mark to products is the date of adoption of the relevant resolution of the Council of Ministers. Within two years from this date, the manufacturer has the right to::

use a quality mark that meets the established requirements when labeling products, as well as in documents and advertising materials created in relation to this product or related to it.;

use the incentive benefits and preferences granted when assigning a quality mark, the list of which is determined by the resolution.

Source: National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus


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