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The staff of the State Institution "BelISA" visited the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War


On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus in the Great Patriotic War, employees of the State Institution "BelISA" visited the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

In the museum, on an area of ​​more than 3000 m², you can see over 8 thousand exhibits telling about the history of the Great Patriotic War. In total, the funds contain about 145 thousand rarities collected during hostilities in Eastern Europe and Germany, as well as transferred by embassies of different countries in peacetime.

Military rarities comprise 28 collections and are exhibited in 10 thematic halls:

"Peace and War";

"The world on the eve and in the first years of the Second World War";

"War Road";

"The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Defensive battles in Belarus in the summer of 1941. Battle of Smolensk. Battle of Moscow 1941-42";

"A radical turning point in the course of the war. Soviet rear";

"The Nazi occupation regime on the territory of Belarus. 1941-44";

"Partisan movement and anti-fascist underground struggle in Belarus. Participation of Soviet citizens in the European Resistance Movement 1941-45";

"Liberation of Belarus. The defeat of fascist Germany, its allies and militaristic Japan";

"Belarus after liberation. 1944-1950. Memory of the war";

"Heirs of the Great Victory."

Of particular interest are the collection of 27 thousand documents (combat reports, orders, reports, diaries, war logs, characteristics of soldiers); a collection of military graphics (more than 3 thousand sketches, caricatures and mini-posters) and paintings (about 500 watercolors and pastels); personal belongings of famous natives of Belarus (for example, Marshals of the Soviet Union Ivan Yakubovsky, Vasily Sokolovsky, Stepan Krasovsky, etc.); exposition of military equipment and weapons (T-34, IS-3 tanks; the famous BM-13 "Katyusha"; LI-2 military transport aircraft).

The exhibition ends with the Victory Hall, designed in the form of the glass dome of the Berlin Reichstag, over which Soviet soldiers hoisted the Victory Banner in 1945. Today, the Belarusian flag flutters over the museum, and the inside of its transparent dome is decorated with a stained glass window with a drawing of a stork, the symbol of Belarus.


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