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Priorities in science and forecast until 2045: a meeting of the commission on state science and technology policy was held at the Government House


Under the leadership of the Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, a meeting of the Commission on State Scientific and Technical Policy under the Council of Ministers was held, at which the draft Comprehensive Forecast of Scientific and Technical Progress of Belarus for 2026-2030 and for the period up to 2045 and proposals for priority areas of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities for 2026-2030 were considered.

"A lot of time and effort was spent on preparing these documents; dozens of the country's best scientists worked on their development. The documents themselves have already been carefully analyzed more than once by the heads and experts of state bodies and organizations. The logical conclusion of this work is their consideration at a meeting of the Commission on State Scientific and Technical Policy under the Council of Ministers and subsequent approval," Roman Golovchenko noted.

He emphasized that the documents under consideration are of strategic importance for the country and are the basis for the development of other documents of state forecasting and planning.

Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology Sergey Shlychkov, in a conversation with journalists, drew attention to the importance of these two documents: "In accordance with the legislation, the forecast and priority areas are the basis for developing the main documents regulating socio-economic development. These are the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, the Socio-Economic Development Program, and industry strategies. Based on the results of the work carried out, a list of various state programs will be formed, new projects will be selected, decisions will be made on financing scientific research, development, and projects to create innovative industrial capacities."

“The goal was to identify areas of growth primarily in the economic sphere and in ensuring national security. As in the current five-year plan, priority number one is “digital”, i.e. everything related to information and communication technologies. The forecast is primarily focused on 15 sectors of the economy and 22 types of economic activity, which, based on the results of the last three years, give us the maximum contribution to GDP. This includes the manufacturing industry, the agro-industrial complex, medicine, and education,” noted the Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology.


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