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State quality mark established in Belarus


Belarus has established a State Quality mark. The relevant Decree No. 21 was signed by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.

The document approved the image and description of the sign. It is a red pentagon with a stylized image of the inverted letter "K" and the inscription "Belarus"in the center of it. The five corners of the sign symbolize the quality of Belarusian products achieved by combining five production indicators: safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, adaptability and aesthetics.

The lower arrow-shaped element indicates the stability of the quality system, while the upper one, like a symbolic scale, represents the optimal ratio of public opinion about products and production quality achievements.

The Government will determine the procedure for awarding the State Quality Mark and the list of incentive benefits and preferences provided to producers when assigning it.

The establishment of the State Quality Mark will help improve the quality of Belarusian goods and services.

Decree No. 21 of January 18, 2024 




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