The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus in the International Ural Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovations "INNOPROM 2013" (11-14 July 2013, Yekaterinburg, Russia)
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In accordance with the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2013 and the Plan of international activities of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (SCST) for 2013 the SCST jointly with BELISA has acted as a collective organizer of an R&D section within the National Exposition of Belarus in the International Ural Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovations "INNOPROM 2013". This Forum is one of the largest and most visible events in a number of forums and exhibitions in Russia, which are supported by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2013, "INNOPROM" was for the first time held as a federal exhibition. It was visited by over 53 thousand people — guests and participants, including Dmitry Medvedev, the Chairman of the Russian Government. Over 530 companies and delegations from more than 70 countries have taken part in the business and exhibition program. The exhibition included a series of activities designed to position Yekaterinburg as a potential site for the World Expo.

The Belarus national exposition was formed by representatives of more than 40 Belarusian enterprises and organizations. The total exhibition area of the national stand exceeded 500 sq.m, including closed exhibition area of 220 sq. m and open area of about 300 sq.m. In the open area, equipment and engineering  were demonstrated by such companies as «BelAZ", "Amkodor", "MTZ", "MAZ", "GOMSELMASH", "Lidagroprommash" and "Belkommunmash".

The S&T exposition of the Republic of Belarus included the collective stands of the Ministry of Education, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ministry of Health and private research and production companies. At the total area of 110 sq. meters over 200 developments of Belarusian scientists have been presented. The Belarusian delegation servicing the S&T section consisted of 24 experts and developers. The thematic areas of the S&T section covered surface treatment of parts, new materials, new ultrasound technologies, treatment of industrial wastes, medicine, metallurgy, construction, engineering and instrumentation, environment, agriculture, as well as cooperation in research and innovation.

The main results of participation in the exhibition are as follows.

Section of the Ministry of Education:

  • an agreement signed on cooperation in science and technology with the Institute of Electrophysics, Ural Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • an agreement on scientific cooperation with JSC "UNIKHIM" is under development.

Section of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:

  • 8 agreements and memorandums of understanding signed on cooperation in construction and road construction industries, spa treatment, supply of artificial diamonds and cubic boron nitride plates, frequency magnetic processing of materials, and S&T cooperation.

Section of the Ministry of Health:

  • an agreement signed on cooperation between the Centre of Transfusion and Medical Biotechnology (Belarus) and the Institute of Medical Cell Technologies (Russia).

Section of private research and production companies:

  • a letter of intent signed with the STC "Trubmetprom" on scientific and technological cooperation.

Participation in the exhibition "INNOPROM 2013" has given Belarus a chance to demonstrate its scientific and innovative potential and promote a wide range of S&T developments in the Ural region of Russia.


National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus in INNOPROM 2013 National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus in INNOPROM 2013
National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus in INNOPROM 2013 National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus in INNOPROM 2013
National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus in INNOPROM 2013 National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus in INNOPROM 2013

Source:Department of S&T events and market research, BelISA.

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
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