The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

12 International Specialized Exhibition and Congress "Power. Ecology. Resource Saving" (October 16-19, 2007, Minsk)
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On October 16-19, 2007 in Minsk in the Football arena, at Pobediteley ave., 20 the 12 International Specialized Exhibition and Congress “Power. Ecology. Resource Saving” took place.

The event has been organized by the following state bodies: the Ministry of Power, Committee on Energy Efficiency at the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Industry, State Committee for Science and Technologies, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, Minsk City Executive Committee, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, “Belenergo” Concern, “Beltransgaz”, and also “Beltopgaz” Concern.

The main areas of the Exhibition & Congress are as follows:

  • power;
  • resource saving;
  • ecology;
  • electronics;
  • electric equipment;
  • water and air technologies;
  • housing and communal services;
  • illumination of objects and industrial illumination, etc.

In the ceremony of official opening of the Exhibition V. Semashko, First Vice-Prime-Minister of the Republic of Belarus; A. Ozerets, Minister of Power of the Republic of Belarus have taken part.

In the accordance with the order of the Prime-Minister of Belarus of 06.07.2007 N 82p within the framework of this Exhibition the collective exposition of scientific and technical developments was organized by the State Committee for Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus. It occupied 96 sq. m and included the following participants: National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Belarus.

The exposition of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus was represented by Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian Sate University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Belarusian-Russian University (Mogilev), Belarusian State University of Transport (Gomel), Gomel State Technical University named after P.Sukhoy, Polotsk State University, Belarusian State Technological University, Gomel State University named after F.Skoryna, International State Ecological University named after A.Sakharov, Scientific Technological Park of BNTU “METOLIT”, Grodno State University named after Y.Kupala, Brest State Technical University, Centre of Technology Transfer in the Field of Secondary Resources and Ecology.

The exposition of the Ministry of Education has caused significant interest among the visitors and participants. The list of the most attractive exhibits has been headed by the device on getting air from water and manufacture of electrical energy developed by International State Ecological University, and also by heaters of diesel fuel by Scientific Technological Park of BNTU "METOLIT".

For active participation in the Exhibition the Belarusian National Technical University, Centre of Technology Transfer on Secondary Resources Processing and Ecology, Polotsk State University, and also International State Ecological University named after A.Sakharov were awarded with the diplomas of the Organizing Committee.

The following developments of Belarusian State University have been of greatest popularity:

  • technology of diesel biofuel production on the basis of vegetative raw materials,
  • sorbents on the basis of titanium phosphate,
  • magnetic sorbents of industrial waste water purification,
  • an ion-change fibrous material FIBAN,
  • heat isolating products of rigid penopolyuretans for heat insulating gas and oil pipe-lines, hot and cold water supply, engineering networks of chemical and petrochemical manufactures, etc.

By the results of the Exhibition Belarusian State University has been rewarded with the diploma for a series of developments in the field of computer-guided means of measurements.

Exposition of the National Academy of Sciences included the following organizations:

  • Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer name after A.Lukov,
  • Institute of Mechanics of Meal Polymer Systems by V.Beluy,
  •  Institute of Physics name after B.Stepanov,
  • Institute of Problems of the Use of Natural Resources and Ecology.

The Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer was represented by 3 laboratories — Laboratory of Thermoregulation, Laboratory of Dispersed Systems and Laboratory of Porous Media. The exhibits submitted by IHMT have caused the certain interest of the experts. Thus, “MogilevEnergo” Company, “Elizovo” Glass-Works and “Belarusneft’” (Rechitsa) have expressed an interest to heat exchanger – utilizer. Another exhibit to which the strong interest has been expressed is a sorption thermal pump (by BelHEI, Motor Factory, "Standard" Company (Omsk, Russia).

The Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus has presented the following exhibits developed in the Laboratory of Photosensor and Display Technologies:

  • luminodiode lamps and alarm lanterns;
  • luminodiode road marks and information devices.

Practically all the developments have caused the interest of the visitors and experts. More than 40 contacts and discussions with the interested persons were held. The Institute of Physics is awarded with the Diploma of the Exhibition for developments in the area of luminodiode engineering.

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
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