The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

XIX International Exhibition and Congress “High technologies. Innovations. Investments” (HI-TECH'2013) (12-14 March 2013, Saint Petersburg)
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The Exhibition & Congress “High technologies. Innovations. Investments” (HI-TECH'2013) is one of the first events in Russia for promoting high technologies, innovations and investments in science and technology, and also for ensuring effective interaction between research organizations, industry and potential investors. This year, the main areas of the Exhibition include a special section "Nanotechnology"; high technologies, innovations for industry and investments.

In accordance with its Plan for international activities for 2013, the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (SCST) together with BelISA has organized a collective section of Belarusian S&T developments at HI-TECH'2013. On the collective stand of the SCST (total area of 65 sq. meters) over 200 exhibits were presented by 13 organizations of the Ministry of Education, 5 institutions of the National Academy of Sciences and one organization subordinated to the Department of Pharmaceutical Industry. The Belarusian delegation which serviced the collective stand consisted of 28 experts.

Within the framework of the Exhibition, working meetings and negotiations with representatives of research organizations and industrial companies were held. The most important results are presented below:

  • representatives of the Ministry of Education signed 9 letters of intent in various areas of science, technology and education; agreement has been reached on signing of 3 agreements on cooperation in the near future;
  • within the Exhibition life time, over 70 specialists from industrial enterprises of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Germany visited the stand of the National Academy of Sciences; negotiations will continue after examining information received at the Exhibition.

Representatives of Belarusian universities participated in the brokerage of business contacts where they discussed the topic "High-tech and high-efficient ultrasonic technologies”.

The members of the Belarusian delegation took an active part in the annual competition "The best innovation project and S&T development" which was carried out during the Fair. The competition was aimed at revitalizing enterprises’ activities in innovation, identifying promising innovation projects and developments, as well as contributing to their promotion in the internal and external markets. The competition is held since 1998.

This year, the number of participants totaled 109 organizations from Russia and Belarus. In 20 nominations, 265 projects and developments have been submitted. The competition has resulted with awarding 77 memorable diplomas, 92 silver medals, 90 gold medals, 5 special prizes and a Grand Prix. 57 developments have been submitted to the call from Belarus (50 from universities and 7 from the National Academy of sciences). Belarusians have got 1 Special Prize, 25 gold medals, 18 silver medals and 13 honorary diplomas. Of particular note is a special prize in the nomination "Successful promotion of goods in the market” awarded to the Research Institute of Physics and Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University for the promotion of a new drug "Tzisplatzel”.

HI-TECH 2013, Saint Petersburg HI-TECH 2013, Saint Petersburg
HI-TECH 2013, Saint Petersburg HI-TECH 2013, Saint Petersburg
HI-TECH 2013, Saint Petersburg HI-TECH 2013, Saint Petersburg

Source: Department of S&T events and market research, BelISA.

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
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