The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd India International Trade Fair (14-27 November 2012, New Delhi, India)
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In accordance with the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2012 approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 30.12.2011 ¹ 1799 and the Plan of international actions of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of Belarus (SCST) for 2012 the SCST together with BelISA has acted as a collective organizer of a science and technology exposition of the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the 32nd Indian International Trade Fair. It’s worth to note that Belarus was presented as an official partner of the Exhibition.

15 Belarusian organizations, namely 11 universities and 4 research and production organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have presented over 130 exhibits   in the form of samples, pilots, posters and presentations at the area of 72 sq.m.

In the opening ceremony of Belarus National exposition the Prime-Minister of the Republic of Belarus Mr Mikhail Myasnikovich and the Minister of Trade of the Republic of India Mr Anand Sharma took part, as well as the Belarus Ambassador to India Mr V.Prima, the Indian Ambassador to Belarus Mr M.Bharti and other officials. After the opening ceremony, the official delegation visited the Belarusian scientific exposition.

During the Exhibition life time, at the collective scientific exposition, over 150 meetings and negotiations with representatives of the scientific community and businesses were held. The most important results are listed below:

  • 19 protocols on intentions in various fields of science and technology and 2 agreements on cooperation signed by the representatives of Belarusian universities,
  • an agreement was signed between the State Science-and-Production Amalgamation of Powder Metallurgy, Belarus and Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) of the Ministry of Defense of India on setting up of a joint council for managing the International Science and Technology Fund “Indo-Belarusian Center for Research in New Materials and Technologies”,
  • a protocol was signed on further cooperation between the State Science-and-Production Amalgamation of Powder Metallurgy, Belarus and the International Center of Advanced Research in Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, India,
  • a contract is signed between the State Science-and-Production Amalgamation “Tsentr” and the Vietnamese company for a supply of Belarusian crushers in Vietnam,
  • within the framework of the previously signed agreement for 2013-2015, an action plan on joint R&D activities for 2013 has been developed and signed by the Physics Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Indian Institute of Technology (located in Rukri). The joint research covers the hardening of protective coatings by using the ion-beam and laser technologies,
  • 3 protocols have been agreed and prepared for signing by the Physics Technical Institute, NAS of Belarus on intentions for cooperation in such areas as production of the individual protection means, supply of equipment and technologies for metallization of roll materials on polymer and paper basis, strengthening ion-beam processing of products made of corrosion-resistant chrome steels.

As an undeniable general result of the activities of the Belarusian research delegation at the Exhibition, the strengthening of Belarus international image, expanding the knowledge of the potential foreign partners about Belarus, getting information about possibilities of cooperation with Indian partners on site should be taken into account. 


 National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012  National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012
 National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012  National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012
 National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012  National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012
 National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012  National exposition of the Republic of Belarus on the 32nd  India International Trade Fair, 2012

 Source: BelISA

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
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