The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

Seminar on development of international scientific and technical cooperation with EU in information and communication technologies (Minsk, 9 December 2008)
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On 9 December 2008 the State Committee for Science and Technologies of Belarus together with Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere and National Information Point of 7 Framework Program for Research, Technology and Development of the EU (FP7) are going to carry out an informational seminar on development of international S&T cooperation (INCO) with the EU in information and communication technologies (ICT).

The aim of the Seminar is to increase INCO in ICT via

  • attracting Belarusian organizations to participation in joint projects of the FP7 and 
  • increasing the competence of actual and potential INCO partners in preparation of the applications and realization of international scientific projects.

The tasks of the Seminar:

  1. Informing participants about the topics of the FP7 calls for proposals for 2009-2010 within the thematic priority “Information and Communication Technologies” which will be announced in November 2008;
  2. Informing participants on existing instruments and services which can help in INCO with the EU countries including partner search;
  3. Sharing experience in realization of international S&T projects in ICT.  

The seminar is intended for active and potential organizers and participants of INCO. It is held in a small conference hall of “BELARUS” Hotel , 15 Storozhevskaya str., Minsk. Participation is free-of-charge

The preliminary registration is carried out until 21 November 2008 by e-mail:, Svetlana A. Smirnova. The application can be sent also by fax (17) 284 01 73 or post to 7 Pobediteley ave., Minsk, Belarus. The application form is enclosed. More information about the seminar: (17) 286 78 71, (29) 335 98 68 Tatyana Lyadnova or (17) 286 76 30, (29) 661 25 76 Olga Meerovskaya.

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