The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

The 6th National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus in Lithuania "BelarusEXPO-2009" (16-19 September, 2009, Vilnius)
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The 6th National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus in Lithuania “BelarusEXPO – 2009” took place on 16-19 September 2009 in Vilnius. Production of more than 150 companies and organizations in all the fields of Belarus national economy has been presented there. The total area of the exposition was 1600 sq. meters.

Within the program of  “BelarusEXPO - 2009” several international events took place: “Belarus and Baltic Sea countries: new opportunities for widening the cooperation” (16-18 September); Days of Economy, Science and Culture of the Republic of Belarus in Lithuania; International Scientific Practical Conference “Research in the Baltic Region: Achievements and Cooperation Perspectives” (16-17 September).

The Exhibition was opened by the prime-ministers of Belarus and Lithuania Sergey Sidorskiy and Andrus Kubilius.  The members of Belarusian delegation, heads and staff of diplomatic missions in Lithuania, heads of branch associations, representatives of business and mass media took part in the opening ceremony.

The State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus jointly with BelISA in accordance with the SCS&T’s Plan of international events for 2009 and the Order of the Prime-Minister of Belarus of 9 April 2009 N 39p has acted as a collective organizer of the section of S&T developments at this Exhibition. The total area of the collective section was ar. 1000 sq. meters. More than 175 S&T developments have been presented.

The Ministry of Education of Belarus was represented by Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University, Skorina’s Gomel State University, Sukhoy’s Gomel State Technical University, etc. S&T developments in the main scientific areas, and also technologies and innovative production aimed on potential consumers and partners in Lithuania have been exposed. The stand was visited by representatives of universities, technological parks, private and state companies.

The exposition of the Ministry of Education was presented by natural models and presentations in such areas as metallurgy, component surface processing, laser technologies, new materials, new technologies with ultrasound use, industrial waste recycling, medicine, light industry, construction, machine– and instrument making.

Ultrasound-based developments, coatings for different purposes, industrial wastes recycling and finish surface processing were among the most popular exhibits. Ecological and environmental protection issues caused special interest of the visitors.

Ecological services of Lithuania were interested in absorbing biochemical device for ventilation air cleaning. There are lots of wood processing and package making enterprises with high level of wastes emission in Lithuania at the moment. For them the issue of air cleaning from sterol is of great importance.

Exhibits of Belarusian State University have been presented in the following areas: computer means of measuring, microwave techniques and technologies for industry and agriculture, equipment for producing penopolyurethane goods, technologies for producing bio fuel, substances and materials for industry and agriculture, ecology, environment protection.

Exposition of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was presented by the following institutions: Stepanov’s Institute of Physics, Scientific Practical Centre on Material Science, Institute of Metals Technology, Centre of Light Emitting Diode and Optoelectronic Technologies.

During the Exhibition negotiations with the representatives of research organizations of Lithuania, Ministry of Education of Lithuania, and also business from Lithuania and other Baltic countries have been carried out.

The exposition of the Ministry of Public Health of Belarus was represented by Alexandrov’s Republican Scientific Practical Centre of Oncology and Medical Radiology and Republican Scientific Practical Centre of Hygiene. It was visited by more than 200 people.

Belarusian State Committee on Standardization was represented by two organizations: Belarusian State Institute on Standardization and Certification and Belarusian State Institute on Metrology. The expositions were visited by more than 300 people from Lithuanian companies, Ministry of Education, Academy of Sciences, Metals Protection Laboratory and Lithuanian Railway.

During the Exhibition the members of the S&T delegation have carried out negotiations with representatives of the establishments and companies of Lithuania, achieved arrangements on S&T production and technology transfer, cooperative research and developments checking. This proves the competitiveness of the exhibits mentioned. The effectiveness of the Exhibition was widened by the actions carried out during the days of Belarusian Economy, Science and Culture in Lithuania: Belarusian-Lithuanian International Economy Forum “Belarus and Baltic Sea Countries: New Opportunities for Widening the Cooperation” and International Scientific Practical Conference “Research in the Baltic Region: Achievements and Cooperation Perspectives”.

All organizations that took part in the collective stand of the SCS&T were awarded with the diplomas for active participation.


Source: BelISA

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