The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

6th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Technique "MILEX-2011" (24-27 May 2011, Minsk)
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On 24-27 May 2011 in Minsk, in the Exhibition Center “BELEXPO” (Pobediteley ave., 14) the 6th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Technique “MILEX-2011” was held. It was organized by the State Military and Industrial Committee, Ministry of Defense and the National Exhibition Center “BELEXPO” of the President’s Administrative Office.


MILEX is one of the most prospective and important exhibitions in Belarus. It is aimed at demonstrating the products of defense industry and companies producing the double technologies; assisting in establishing connections between producers and customers of the military industry products; concluding contracts for arms modernization; promoting military technique and raising the army prestigue.

This year, 149 enterprises and different organizations took part in MILEX. The Exhibition covered the territory of more than 1800 sq.m of closed area and over 4100 sq.m of the open one. The list of participating countries was composed of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Kazakhstan. The central place at the Exhibition was given to the collective exposition of the member-states of Organization of the Agreement on the Collective Security and the united exposition of the Russian Federation. The latter was presented by the state corporation “Rostechnologii”. Official delegations from more than 20 countries visited the Exhibition.

The State Committee for Science and Technology jointly with BelISA has acted as a collective organizer of the section of S&T developments at MILEX-2011. The total area of the section reached 150 sq.m shared by the National Academy of Science and organizations of the Ministry of Education. 18 R&D centers and science and production organizations have presented over 140 double and military developments and technologies.

During the life time of the Exhibition, the collective S&T section was attended by representatives of foreign governing bodies, organizations and companies, military organizations, embassies, R&D centers, as well as by lecturers and students. Negotiations which took place there has resulted in concluding of the 3 protocols on intention for cooperation in developing the high-linear section amplifiers and devices for digital processing of signals; pilot unmanned aviation complexes and military technical cooperation, as well as in agreements about delivering model products, devices, equipment and medical products for traumatology.

Participation of research and scientific & production organizations in MILEX-2011 can be considered successful.  The collective S&T exposition has been a vivid and visible demonstration of R&D results, new technologies, materials, devises and arms.

Upon the results of the Exhibition, the State Committee for Science and Technologies of Belarus, National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education have been awarded with diploma for assisting in implementation of MILEX-2011. All participants have been marked with awards in different nominations.   

Source: BelISA, Department of S&T actions, marketing and consulting.

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
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