The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

Presentation "Scientific and Technical Development of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia for Multilateral Cooperation", Moscow, February 7, 2007
Document address:




On February 7, 2007 in Moscow a presentation “Scientific and Technical Development of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia for Multilateral Cooperation” will be held. The action will be carried out in framework of the VII Moscow International Exhibition of Innovations and Investments.

Organizers of the presentation are as follows:

  • State Committee for Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus;
  • Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Science and Technology Sphere;
  • National Centre of Scientific and Technical Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Republican Research Scientific — Consultation Centre of Examination, Russia;
  • Association «Russian House of International Scientific and Technical Cooperation;
  • International Centre of Scientific and Technical Information.

The purpose of the event: development of multilateral cooperation between Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia in scientific, technical and innovation sphere.

The tasks:

  • creation of a platform for discussion of the urgent scientific and technical offers with the purpose of preparation of joint programs and projects of multilateral character;
  • Exchange of experience on realization of scientific, technical and innovative projects in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia;
  • Discussion of possible support mechanisms for scientific, technical and innovative projects realisation.

The presentation will take place in the international Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (Moscow, Kuusinen str., 21 B) from 10.00 to 18.30. 

Participation in the seminar is free-of-charge. Working language — Russian.

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