The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

XI International Industrial Economic Forum "United Russia"
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The State Committee for Science and Technologies together with BelISA has acted as the collective organizer of the S&T exposition of Belarus in the framework of the XI International Industrial Economic Forum “United Russia” which took place on 6-10 September, 2006 in Nizhniy Novgorod (Russian Federation). The Forum was devoted to 110th anniversary of the Great All-Russia Industrial and Art Exhibition held in Nizhniy Novgorod in the 19th century. It became the largest European fair of those years. More than 1500 Russian and foreign companies and organizations have taken part in the Forum. 46 regions of the Russian Federation have been presented.  


The spectrum of production of the enterprises-participants of the exhibition was wide enough: mechanical engineering, power, consumer goods, medical engineering, metallurgy, light industry, chemical complex, confectionery products and many others. The Forum has confirmed the high status and has united the outstanding representatives of science, business, state and local bodies and public organizations for discussion of concrete tasks of separate Russia’s regions, and of Russia and Belarus as a whole.

In opinion of the organizers, the International conference of the Council of Europe “Dialogue of cultures and interregional cooperation” became one of the main events of the Forum. About 300 experts from various countries of the world took part in it.

On 6 September the solemn opening of the Belarussian exposition was held, in which the following VIP-persons have taken part:  the Governor of Nizhniy Novgorod area Mr. V. Shantsev, Deputy Prime-Minister of the Republic of Belarus Mr. A. Kosinets, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in Russian Federation Mr. V. Dolgolev, Minister of industry of the Republic of Belarus Dr. A. Rusetski, State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Mr. P. Borodin, other official persons. Belarussian S&T exposition was presented also to the President of the International and Russian unions of producers Mr. N. Ruzshkov.

14 leading Belarusian universities and 4 institutions of the National academy of sciences of Belarus exhibited their developments at the S&T exposition of the Republic of Belarus. Three developments of the Belarusian State University have received silver medals, certificates and the right of drawing a logo of the medal received and the year of its delivery on a trade label of a food product.

For participation in the XI All-Russia Industrial Economic Forum “United Russia” the expositions of Physics and Technical Institute of the NAS and Belarussian State University were rewarded with the diplomas of the Organizing Committee. The SCS&T was marked by a silver medal and a diploma of the organizers of the Forum. BelISA has been also marked by a diploma of the Organizing Committee.

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