The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

XVII International Specialized Exhibition on Telecommunications, Information and Banking Technologies "TIBO-2011" (26-29 April 2011, Minsk)
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On 26-29 April 2011 in Minsk (Football Arena, 20/2 Pobediteley ave.) the XVII International Specialized Forum on Information Technologies “TIBO-2011” was held. This year the Forum’s logo has been “Information technologies as an important factor of innovative development”. The event was aimed at promoting an effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in social and economic progress of Belarus. The Forum has gathered over 200 participants from 12 countries.


Within the Forum, the XVIII International Specialized Exhibition on Telecommunications, Information and Banking Technologies and a Congress “TIBO-2011” has taken place — the annual overview of global and domestic achievements in communication, telecommunications, software developing, banking technologies, office equipment and consumer electronics.

According to its Plan of international activities for 2011, the State Committee for Science and Technologies of Belarus has acted as a collective organizer of a section of S&T developments at the Exhibition “TIBO-2011”. The section was composed by 16 organizations — 11 belonging to the Ministry of Education, 4 — to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and 1 — to the State Military Industrial Committee. The total area of the collective stand has exceeded 100 s.m. with the number of exhibits — ar. 100.

The S&T exposition at “TIBO-2011” was quite popular among visitors. They were interested by such developments by Belarusian universities as computer-oriented measuring devices for radio electronics, digital oscillograph “BORDO”, information systems “Abiturient” (an applicant) and “Student”, GIS-system “MAPMANAGER”, a system of early detection and notification on emergency at chemically dangerous manufactures, etc.  

An interactive action has been carried out by representatives of the business-incubator hosted by the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics. Using the flip-chart, the visitors were able to register their entrepreneurial ideas and get a prize.  Within 2 days, over 100 ideas have been registered which are considered as a result of a sociological research in entrepreneurship within the Belarusian youth. Voting for the best idea was held on-line with the help of a special group of the business-incubator in the social network that has doubled upon the results of this action.

 Contacts with the aim of further cooperation have been established between universities and the following companies and enterprises: UAB HNIT-BALTIC, Vilnius, Lithuania; BELARUSKALIJ, Soligorsk, Belarus; “AGATSYSTEMA”, Belarus; Radio Plant “SPUTNIK”, Molodechno, Belarus. A protocol on intentions has been signed between the Belarusian State University and “BELTELECOM”.

Among the developments of the National Academy of Science of Belarus presented at “TIBO-2011” the most interest has been expressed towards an automated system of intellectual search and reviewing documents in multi-lingual medium which is intended for searching and automated reviewing of text documents (interest expressed by Department of Special Technical Devices and Criminology of the Committee for State Security and such companies, as BELNEPHTECHIM, TIBIS and Invention Machine). The joint activities in this area were discussed with A. Kavaljauskas, Vice-President, “INFOBALT” Association of IT-companies.

Another “popular” development was a system for control and detection of an un-authorized access, and also the using of light barriers in manufacture and in protection of closed territories, both — by the United Institute of Informatics Problems (Strojinvest and ALFA-BLR companies).

Contacts have been established with companies interested in developing and introducing the systems based on RFID-technologies for transport and stock logistics.

Upon the results of the Exhibition, 14 organizations of the Ministry of Education and 3 institutes of the NAS have been awarded with diplomas.

Within the Forum, the XVIII Congress on telecommunications, information and banking technologies “TIBO-20111”, as well as several specialized actions has been organized.


Source: BelISA, Department of S&T actions, marketing research and consulting

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