The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

Address and contacts
Document address:




State Organization «Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support for Scientific and Technical Sphere» (SO «BELISA») at the State Committee on Science and Technologies Republic of Belarus


Address: av. Pobeditelei 7, 220004,
Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Phone: +375 (17) 203-14-87
Fax: +375 (17) 203-34-75
  • Assistant Director for Information and Analysis — Victoria Supretko, phone: +375 (17) 203-14-87, +375 (17) 203-34-75
  • First Deputy Director-Deputy Director for Research – Pavlova Natalya, phone: + 375 (17) 226-74-98
  • Deputy director for international scientific and innovative work — Khvostova Olga, phone: + 375(17) 203-32-79
  • Deputy director of information technology head of the "digitalization office" — Bunin Ilya, phone: + 375(17) 203-69-35

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Complete or partial reproduction of the given data is allowed with reference to (with hyperlink for Internet) the source