The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

Workshop “State system of R&D registration: new oppotunities, methodology, practice” (Minsk, 24-25 November, 2005)
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On 24-25 November, 2005 the workshop “State system of R&D registration: new oppotunities, methodology, practice” will be held on the base of SI “BelISA”

The aim of the seminar is to analyse state of national R&D registration system, to discuss problems concerning procedures of national R&D register creation and accumulated information resources usage, exchange of opinions between national and foreign specialists involved into creation and exploitation of such systems.

The workshop is intended for representatives of ministries and other state institutions, scientific and educational organisations, tax bodies, leaders and specialists of national and foreign enterprices and firms engaged in R&D.

Notice: see actual information on Workshop programm, place, hotel accomodation and associated cultural events on BelISA‘s web-site later.


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