The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus "BelarusEXPO-2009" in Kazakhstan (Astana, Kazakhstan, 3-6 June, 2009)
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According to the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2009 (Regulation of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus N 1884 of 08.12.2008) the Vth National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus in Kazakhstan was held on 3–6 June, 2009 in the Centre of International Trade "Astana”. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and “Techniques and Communication” Ltd.  played the role of its organizers. The Exhibition has become one of the central events in the bilateral Belarus-Kazakhstan relations and allowed domestic companies and organizations to strengthen trade and economic cooperation with the companies from Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia. Over 130 Belarusian enterprises, organizations and companies have declared their intention to take part in the National Exhibition.
In the opening ceremony on 3 June the following officials have taken part from the Kazakhstan party:  Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Zh. Ajtzhanova, Chairman of the Committee of Trade of the Ministry of Industry and Trade À.Êazunayev, Director of the Department of Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade S. Asansejitova, Minister on Extreme Situations of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Belarus-Kazakhstan Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation from Kazakhstan’s side V.Bozhko. Belarusian delegation at the Exhibition was headed by the Deputy Minister of Trade Î.Yakubovich. From Belarusian side, the opening of the Exhibition was headed by the Ambassador of Belarus in Kazakhstan V.Gapeyev, members of the Organizing  Committee, representatives of diplomatic missions, businessmen of Kazakhstan, Russia and  Ukraine.
According to the Order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus of 9.04.2009 N 39p the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus (SCS&T) together with BelISA played a role of the collective organizer of the section of S&T developments. On the SCS&T collective stand with a common area of 72 sq.m over  130 exhibits were submitted. They have been selected according to priority directions of the S&T cooperation between Belarus and Kazakhstan. The list of participants included 12 organizations of the Ministry of Education and 2 institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
During the Exhibition more than 50 meetings and negotiations with the experts were held at the SCS&T collective stand which resulted in agreements on further cooperation on the application in Kazakhstan of several Belarusian developments, such as: a rotational furnace, composite carrying element of constructions, software in EMS, videoscopes, heaters for diesel fuel, industrial heaters, technologies for hardening surfaces of machines and units details (gas flaming, laser, thermodiffusional, plasmochemical, ion-plasma), computer guided means of measurements, technologies for water clearing, technologies and substances for agriculture, system of early detection and notification at enterprises with dangerous manufacture, navigational monitoring system behind conditions in a zone of extreme situations and consequences from them “ASK-CHS”, crunching complexes for manufacture of a cubic rubble and classifying an elimination of splitting on commodity products, and also for manufacture of high-quality construction materials.
On 4 June the SCS&T together with the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and Belarusian Embassy in Kazakhstan organized the round table dedicated to presentation of the S&T potential of the Republic of Belarus. Representatives of the SCS&T, National Academy of Sciences and universities of the Ministry of Education of Belarus, and also the Ambassador of Belarus in Kazakhstan V.Gapeyev and the first secretary of the Embassy A.Shkatulov have taken part in its activities. From the Kazakhstan party, the following organizations and companies have been represented:  Department of technology transfer, Centre of Engineering and Technology Transfer, “Samruk-Kozana”; National Central Bank; Republican Collection of Microorganisms; National Centre of Biotechnologies; Ministry of Education and Science; Department of scientific and technical examinations of the Committee of Science; Kazakh Agrarian Technical University; Eurasian National University, etc. Kazakhstan experts have been shown opportunities of cooperation and scientific developments of Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Technopark “Metolit” of BNTU and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
In continuation of the round table, on 5 June a meeting at the Centre of Engineering and Technology Transfer of Kazakhstan with participation of the representatives of BSU, BNTU and NASB was held. During the meeting the arrangements on establishing cooperation and adjusting partnerships in the area of technology and knowledge transfer, and also S&T developments commercialization have been achieved, as far as the concrete measures on their realization have been planned.
The Kazakhstan party has expressed an interest in the prompt considering by the Belarusian party of the following issues: rendering a technical assistance in program equipment by the Republican Centre of Technology Transfer to the Kazakhstan network of technology transfer; developing a program of seminars on exchange of experience in S&T developments commercialization and technology transfer between technoparks of Belarus and Kazakhstan; preparing and concluding an agreement on transfer of perspective technologies, innovations and "know-how" in real sectors of the economy of the both countries within the framework of the agreement and contract between the Republican network of technology transfer of Belarus and Kazakhstan network of technology transfer; exchanging the legal documents in the area of industrial innovative development between the Joint-Stock Company "TSITT" (Kazakhstan) and the SCS&T (Belarus); joint work on mutual introducing the innovative developments of universities of one country in the other.
The Exhibition, round table and numerous meetings carried out in Astana have shown a significant potential of mutually advantageous cooperation development between the two countries in S&T. They have revealed also a number of branches in which this cooperation could have the greatest prospects, taking into account the Kazakhstan state policy on developing a machine-building sector, medicine branch, agricultural manufacture including creating a manufacture of agricultural techniques and agrarian products processing, and also a large scale construction. Developments in the sphere of ecology and environment protection seem to be not less urgent for the both countries. It’s important to note the availability in Kazakhstan of the organizations and companies which are ready not only to assist Belarusian innovative developments in their progress on the local market but also to co-finance joint Belarus-Kazakhstan projects.

Source: BelISA  

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