The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

XVI International Specialized Exhibition on Telecommunications, Information and Bank Technologies "TIBO-2009" (21-24 April, 2009, Minsk)
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On 21–24 April, 2009 in Minsk the XVI International Specialized Exhibition "TIBO-2009" took place. It became the annual national review of the world and domestic achievements in the field of communication, telecommunication, software, bank technologies, office equipment and consumer electronics.
According to the Plan of the international events for 2009 the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (SCS&T) together with Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere has played a role of the collective organizer of the section of scientific and technical developments at this Exhibition.



On the SCS&T’s collective stand the developments have been demonstrated by the 11 organizations of the Ministry of Education, 7 — of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and 2 — of the State Military Industrial Committee.
On the stand of the Ministry of Education the following developments have been shown for the first time:
  • mobile payment system "Mobileplas” (Polotsk State university);
  • developments in the area of modeling a stress deformed state of wooden constructions and products, and also aspiration systems in wood processing industry (Belarusian State Technological University).
 Developments which have been most popular among the visitors:  
  • a new web-site of Technopark “Metolit” of  BNTU titled “Information Marketing Centre for a Youth Science in Belarus”. The purpose of this product is to assist the state management in R&D activities of high schools’ young scientists;
  • a programmed measuring complex for the thermal analysis of metals and alloys;
  • multi-media developments in chemistry, geography, mathematics, etc. within the State Programme of the Main Information Analytical Centre of the Ministry of Education.
 During the life time of the Exhibition the collective stand of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was visited by representatives of the state management bodies, organizations and enterprises of the republic, employees of leading institutes of the NAS, teachers and students of BSUIR and BSU. The special interest was caused by joint multi-media presentation by Heat and Mass Transfer Institute and United Institute of Informatics Problems “Volumetric visualization of data received using the method of atomic-power microscopy.
The annual participation in the Exhibition "TIBO” allows scientific organizations and universities of the republic to expand and strengthen contacts with the representatives of local and foreign scientific and business community, and also to define the perspective areas of activities.


Source: BelISA  

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