The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

Seminar on development of the international scientific and technical cooperation in the field of public health services
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On June 28, 2007 the State Committee for Science and Technologies together with the Ministry of Public Health Services has carried out a Seminar on development of the international scientific and technical cooperation (INCO) in the field of public health services. 

The Seminar was organized by Belarusian institute of system analysis and information support of scientific and technical sphere, and National Information Point of the EU FP7,

The purpose of the measure is to activate this priority thematic direction of INCO, to involve more widely scientific organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Public Health Services and other republican bodies of state management, and also to inform active and potential participants of INCO about new opportunities.

The tasks of the Seminar:

  1. Analysis of a state and prospects of INCO in the field of public health services and pharmacy;
  2. Exchange of experience in organization and carrying out of INCO in the following basic directions:
    • realization of international programs and projects in the sphere of public health services;
    • interaction with the international organizations; 
    • development of scientific career of the medical researchers with the use of INCO;
  3. Informing the participants on new opportunities of INCO in the field of public health services and pharmacy.
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