The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

Tatyana Stolyarova — on the role of Union State programs in the formation of a single scientific and technological space
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Deputy Chairperson of the State Committee for Science and Technology Tatyana Stolyarova spoke at a seminar on the development and implementation of programs and projects of the Union State, timed to coincide with the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia.

In her report, she paid attention to the role of the Union State programs in the formation of a unified scientific and technological space, and also voiced proposals for improving the mechanisms for their formation.

"The main tool for implementing the scientific and technical policy of the Union State and forming a single scientific and technological space are scientific and technical programs. This is a tool of the organizational and legal mechanism of interaction between a large number of scientific and production teams of our countries," said Tatyana Stolyarova. "Currently, more than 60 programs have been implemented in such areas as: space technologies, microelectronics, information technologies, mechanical engineering, medicine and many others.

In 2024, three scientific and technical programs of the Union State are being implemented. Within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Intelauto", on-board electronics systems for motor vehicles are being developed that are superior to existing analogues, including engine management, on-board safety, robotic control, highly efficient electric motors and other components for electric and hybrid transport.

"Complex-SG" — the program provides for the development of basic elements of orbital and ground-based facilities in the interests of creating satellite constellations of small-sized spacecraft for observing the earth's surface and near-Earth space.

The results of the Component-F program will be the development of new models of laser technology used for processing various materials and the production of medical equipment.

The Deputy Chairman of the SCST reported that at the same time, a number of scientific and technical programs and projects of the Union State are in the development stage, which can be launched in the next two years.

For example, a scientific and technical project of the Union State is being developed to create a technological platform for radionuclide diagnostics of malignant neoplasms.

In the field of digitalization, a joint proposal is being developed under the Union State program to develop a platform solution "Regional Digital Development". As a result of its implementation, it is planned to create a common software product in all areas of regional digital development: "Smart Region", "Smart City", digitalization of processes in the field of property management and territorial planning, management of urban and transport infrastructure facilities and others.

A scientific and technical program is being prepared, the results of which will be the development of on-board equipment and hardware for small spacecraft.

The Union State program "Creation of a complex for the production and certification of detection equipment with specified parameters" provides for the development and joint production of ionizing radiation detectors and components for them.

At the same time, the issue of reducing the timeframes for their approval remains a pressing issue in the preparation of new programs, noted Tatyana Stolyarova.

"As a result of the work of the Standing Committee of the Union State, the Commission for the Formation of a Single Scientific and Technological Space and interested parties, in September 2022, the Council of Ministers of the Union State adopted a resolution "On amendments to the Procedure for the development and implementation of programs of the Union State.” According to the new edition of the Procedure, the stage of developing a draft concept of the Union State program, including the need for its approval by the Council of Ministers of the Union State, is excluded. Instead, government customers submit a joint proposal to the Governments of Belarus and Russia to develop the program. After the proposal is approved by the Governments of the two countries, government customers immediately develop and coordinate with those interested a draft program," explained Tatyana Stolyarova.

She noted that, as practice shows, in order to fully utilize the potential of scientists in Belarus and Russia, it is necessary to consider the issue of further reducing the timeframe for coordinating projects for such programs.

"The geopolitical situation in the world requires us to take even more prompt actions to accelerate scientific and technological development within the Union State. In this regard, we believe it is possible to consider the issue of excluding the stage of preparing a joint proposal from the Procedure for the development and implementation of Union State programs. This will reduce the time for preparing programs to several months and respond more quickly to the needs of the real sector of the economy of Belarus and Russia," the Deputy Chairperson of the State Committee on Science and Technology noted in her report.

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