The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

The 6th Moscow International Saloon of Innovations and Investments
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The 6th Moscow International Saloon of Innovations and Investments was held on 7-10 February, 2006 in Moscow. It was supported by Government of Russian Federation and Government of Moscow and organized by Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation. Minister of Education and Science of Russian Federation Mr. A. Fursenko and Executive Secretary of CIS Mr. V. Rushailo participated in the opening ceremony. The federal and regional authorities, departments, funds and organizations of Russia took part in exhibition measures, and also representatives of a number of foreign countries including Belarus.

Moscow Saloon is the largest S&T exhibition in Russia. It is carried out with the purpose of assistance to inventors, developers and manufacturers of high-tech production in representation of their inventions and innovative projects, transfer of perspective technologies and production to domestic and foreign markets, development of mutually advantageous business contacts, attraction of attention of the potential investors and customers to developments, activation of business and  innovative activities, definition of opportunities of an effective utilization of intellectual resources, scientific, technological, industrial and personnel potential of R&D organizations and industrial enterprises.

The Republic of Belarus participated in the Saloon for the fourth time. Representatives of 16 scientific organizations, establishments and enterprises of the Ministry of Education, National Academy of Sciences and Belarusian Innovation Fund took part in activities of the collective stand of the State Committee for Science and Technologies. They exhibited more than 160 developments. 

The programme of Moscow Saloon was traditional: exhibition with the competition and various seminars.

The accompanying measures were organized in the following thematic blocks:

  • «Problems and prospects of financial maintenance of innovative development».
  • «Regional Innovation systems: problems of formation and interaction».
  • «Development of innovative infrastructure».
  • «International innovative cooperation».
  • «Perspective directions of technological development (biotechnology)».

The main attention was given to questions of functioning of innovation system as a whole.

Within the framework of the exhibition the competition of inventions and innovative developments was carried out. 58 developments from SCS&T’s collective stand including 43 from Ministry of education,10 – from NAS, and 5 – from Belarusian Innovation Fund have been represented there. As a result of expert commission’s work Belarusian S&T production was marked 7 gold, 7 silver, 10 bronze medals and 25 Diplomas.

The session of the Belarusian-Russian Commission on S&T Cooperation was dated also for Moscow Saloon. Belarusian delegation consisted of First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for S&T Mr. V. Nedilko, First Vice-president of Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences Mr. P. Vityaz, and First Deputy Minister of Education Mr. À. Zhuk. During Moscow Saloon the members of Belarusian exposition carried out several meetings and negotiations with representatives of various companies, enterprises, organizations and scientific centers of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Germany and China. Concrete arrangements on further cooperation have been achieved.


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