The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Poland (24-26 June, 2009, Warsaw)
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On 24-26 June, 2009 in Warsaw, Poland a National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus was held.
It was opened by the Deputy Prime-Minister of Belarus A.Kobyakov and Deputy Prime-Minister of Poland V.Pavlyak. In the opening ceremony the Ambassador of Belarus in Poland V.Gaysenok and Ambassador of Poland in Belarus G. Litvyak took part.
The State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus has played the role of the collective organizer of the S&T section. On the collective stand with a total area over 70 sq. m more than 160 exhibits have been presented by 11 organizations of the Ministry of Education and 6 institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
The Ministry of Education of Belarus was represented by the following universities and organizations: Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University, Belarusian State Technological University, Gomel State University named after F. Skoryna, Gomel State Technical University named after  P.Sukhoy, Belarusian State University of Transport, Belarusian-Russian University, Vitebsk State Technological University, Scientific Technological Park “Metolit” of  BNTU,  Institute of Physics Chemical Problems of the BSU and Research-and-Production Centre for Food Additives “Unitechprom BSU”.
During the Exhibition an agreement on cooperation between Vitebsk State Technological University and Belostok State University has been prepared on developing new composite materials. Upon signing, the action plan is to be developed.
Visitors of the S&T section have expressed a special interest towards the following developments:
  • optical fiber endoscope (Belarusian-Russian University),
  • technology of getting thermal diffusion coverings for special purposes on a tool steel for increasing of  stamping and cutting tools’ resources (Technopark “Metolit” of BNTU),
  • nanocomposites based on  silicon dioxide (Gomel State Technical University),
  • sol-gel coverings for glass and metal (Gomel State University),
  • enriching  additives for bakery products (“Unitechprom BSU”),
  • filters and anticorrosive coverings (Belarusian State University).
It was agreed to consider an idea of creating a Belarusian-Polish centre on material science at Belarusian National Technical University. Also, the issues of post-graduate training in high schools of Belarus have been discussed.
At the exposition of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus the developments of the following organizations have been presented:
  • Scientific Practical Centre on Material Sciences,
  • Physics Technical Institute,
  • Institute of Metals Technology,
  • Heat and Mass Transfer Institute,
  • Research-and-Production Association "Tsentr”,
  • Molodechno Factory of Powder Metallurgy.
The developments exposed were focused basically on metallurgical and construction industries, and also on cooperation in science and innovations. The highest interest the following ones have caused:
  • crushing-shredding equipment and automated complex of plasma cutting (Research-and-Production Association "Tsentr”),
  • technologies for production of diamond tools and boron cubic nitride tools (Scientific Practical Centre on Material Sciences),
  • technology of plotting the diamond-similar coverings (Physics Technical Institute),
  • technology of plotting the anticorrosive coverings on metal constructions (Institute of Metals Technology),
  • friction purpose products (Molodechno Factory of Powder Metallurgy), etc.
Members of the S&T delegation have taken part in the I Economic Summit “Poland— Belarus" within its plenary session and a working group “Regional cooperation and tourism” where the issues of cooperation between universities and R&D organizations in research and staff exchange have been highlighted.
Source: BelISA
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