The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus "BelarusEXPO-2006" in Kiev
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More than 160 developments of Belarusian researchers were represented at the National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus in Ukraine "BelarusExpo-2006", which has been held in Kiev on 11-14 October, 2006 in the exhibition hall of the Ukrainian Commercial and Industrial Chamber. 123 Belarusian organizations and establishments have taken part in the Exhibition. 

The exposition of the Ministry of Education has got an area of 38 sq. m and was composed of two stands — stand of the Belarusian State University and collective stand of the other universities. Also 2 institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus took part in the Exhibition — the United Institute of Solid State Physics and Semiconductors and Institute of Technology of Metals from Mogilev. See details of the S&T exposition and arrangements achieved at (in Russian).

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