The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

International exhibition "Techno-Frontier 2013" (17–19 July 2013, Tokyo, Japan)
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In accordance with the Plan of national exhibitions (expositions) of the Republic of Belarus abroad for 2013, approved by the Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich on 20 December 2012, Resolution ¹ 1177, a National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus has been presented at the International Exhibition "Techno-Frontier 2013" (hereinafter – Techno-Frontier or Exhibition) in Japan, Tokyo (17–19 July 2013, the Tokyo Exhibition Center). Organization of the Exhibition was entrusted to the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – the SCST).

The Techno-Frontier is a large-scale project that brings together 11 specialized trade shows in the following areas:

  • general solutions in the field of mechatronics – precision electrical devices, drive mechanisms and transmission, automatic control, management, software;
  • general solutions in the field of electronics – energy transfer technologies, accumulation technologies, technologies for protection from electromagnetic waves and a new exhibition "Energy Technologies";
  • related areas – single-board microcomputers, thermal engineering, systems engineering support, renewable energy, sensing technologies, wireless power supplies and materials of new generation, research and developments.

The Exhibition was organized by a non-profit organization  "Japan Management Association". In 2013, it featured more than 500 companies from different countries of the world with a total area of 26 thous  sq. meters.

The National Exposition of the Republic of Belarus was established on an area of 144  sq. meters including the introductory section. In accordance with the concept, the Exhibition included the following sections:

  • an introductory section;
  • the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (5 companies represented, another 4 took part remotely);
  • the Ministry of Education (10 organizations);
  • small and medium-sized innovative enterprises (6 companies remotely);
  • Goskomvoenprom (1 organization), and
  • private research and production companies according to the profile of the exhibition (3).

Also, in the introductory section of the exhibition the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange took part. The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus have provided their promotional materials for remote participation.


Techno-Frontier 2013,Japan
Techno-Frontier 2013,Japan


In total, over 140 S&T developments were presented at the National Exposition in the form of full-scale pilots, models and presentations in the following areas: appliances and machinery, technologies for protection from electromagnetic waves, hardening and processing of parts, laser technologies, chemical and petrochemical industry, new materials, medicine, construction, and environmental protection.

Japan is a peculiar country: it is self-sufficient and its market is quite difficult for getting in. A possible solution could be a partnership with intermediary firms which have already established themselves in the Japanese market. Therefore, in contrast to other countries, at the exhibition "Techno-Frontier" a lot of attention was paid to intermediaries who offered assistance in promoting Belarus high-tech products in Japan.

Representatives of Japanese companies who visited the Exhibition had little information about Belarus. Thus, the talks very often began with the presentation of our country.

As part of the Exhibition, the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Japan jointly with the SCST has organized several business meetings and a workshop – presentation of Belarus S&T potential.


Techno-Frontier 2013,Japan

The workshop – presentation was held in JETRO, Japanese External Trade Organization. The speakers were Anatoly Silchenko, Deputy Chairman of the SCST and head of Belarus delegation at the Techno-Frontier, Sergey Chizhik, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as researchers and developers who presented the most interesting and innovative developments of their companies.

The Belarusian delegation headed by A. Silchenko had a meeting in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan where the Belarus S&T potential was presented. The parties expressed an intention to sign an agreement between the Japanese Ministry and the SCST.

Besides, the Belarusian delegation had working meetings in Hitachi High-Tech company, the University of Tokyo and the Japanese University of Agricultural Technologies. It handed its counterparts a set of proposals on cooperation in the form of joint research, developments and technology transfer. The specific areas and tasks will be defined upon getting feedback from the Japanese party.

Source: Department of S&T events and market research, BelISA.

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
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