The Belarusian Institute Of System Analysis And Informational Support Of Scientific And Technical Sphere

Training "Novelties in the rules for implementation and state registration of research and development projects in terms of the 1080-2011 Standard" (Minsk, 14 March 2013)
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Consulting and Methodological Center of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus invites you to take part in the training "Novelties in the rules for implementation and state registration of research and development projects in terms of the 1080-2011 Standard”. The training will be held on 14 March 2013 from 9.30 to 15.30 in Minsk, 7 Pobediteley ave., BelISA, SCST’s Consulting and Methodological Center (1st floor).

The purpose of the training is to familiarize the staff of organizations and enterprises engaged in research and developments with the changes in the procedure of state registration of RTD projects and assist them in introducing these novelties in their regular activities.

At the training the following issues will be covered:

  • regulatory and legal basis for the state registration of RTD projects;
  • rules for procedure for conducting RTD in accordance with the State Standard STB 1080-2011 entered into force jn 1 February 2012;
  • rules for electronic registration of RTD projects in BelISA;
  • rules for reporting on the RTD projects for the State Register of RTD projects. 

The training will include practical exercises on e-registration of RTD projects. Specialists trained, will receive a user name and password to access the electronic registration system that will significantly reduce the time required for registration of RTD projects in BelISA.

The classes are conducted by specialists of BelISA. Trainees will get a certificate.

Cost of participation in the training is 420 000 BYR/person.

To participate, you have to complete an application form and submit it by email,  or by fax +375 17 2034592.

Contact persons: Marina Lapitskaja, Marina Vershinina.

Results of the seminar

More than 60 specialists from 9 universities, 18 research institutes and 20 enterprises including  the State Military Industrial Committee and the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of Belarus took part in the workshop on Discoveries in Implementation of Research and Development Works and the State Registration of Them with regard to the Putting of the State Standard 1080-2011 into Operation which was held on March 14 in the consulting-methodical center of the SCST. The event was held with the purpose of the training of the specialists of organizations and enterprises who work in the area of science and technology by applying new normative requirements for the order of the conducting of research and development works   and the State registration of them.

The representatives of organizations and enterprises were familiarized with new normative requirements for the order of the conducting of research and development works and the system of the Internet-service for electronic preparation and transfer of the documents for the State registration of implemented research and development works to the BelISA in the course of the workshop.

The next workshop on this subject area is expected to be held in late April, 2013. 


Source: BelISA, Consulting and Methodological Center of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus.

Updated 18.03.2013 

Copyright © Belarusian Institute of Systems Analysis (BelISA), Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
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