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Fair of innovative developments "Mechanical engineering and metalworking" April 7, 2021


The fair of innovative developments "Engineering and metalworking" within the framework of the international specialized exhibitions "Engineering", "Metalworking", "Welding and cutting", "Litmetexpo: casting and metallurgy" will be held on April 7, 2021 (Football arena, Minsk, Pobediteley avenue , 20/2 ).


We invite the creators of innovations in the field of mechanical engineering, metalworking, structural materials and resource saving to present their developments, and experts and all those interested to get acquainted and discuss the possibilities of using new and improved products, equipment and technologies in the national economy.

Participation in the fair is free . Start of work — 14:00.


Applications for participation for developers with a description of innovative projects (in Russian and English) must be sentby March 29, 2021inclusive to the email address When providing information about innovative developments, we also ask you to pay special attention to the presentation of developments created using budgetary funds and subject to mandatory commercialization (performed within the framework of state, regional and sectoral scientific and technical programs, other state programs and individual innovative projects).


Interested  participants need to register online before April 6, 2021or send an application using the attached form to the e-mail


Additional information on holding and participating in the fair can be obtained by calling: +375 (17) 203 13 19, +375 (17) 379 60 22, +375 (17) 379 60 13.




The Fair of Innovative Developments on the topic “Engineering and Metalworking” was held on April 7, 2021 in the conference hall of the Football Arena in Minsk as part of a large-scale international industrial and technological forum.


19 innovations out of 20 included in the Catalog of innovative developments (in Russian and English, posted above) were presented during the fair by Belarusian scientists, teachers and specialists of the Belarusian National Technical University, the Branch of the BNTU "Scientific Research Polytechnic Institute", JSC "Minsk Research Institute Radiomaterials, Institute of Welding and Protective Coatings, Educational Establishment Mogilev State Polytechnic College, Russian colleagues from Siberian State Industrial University, Kuzbass Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, as well as the Interstate Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belarusian-Russian University".






We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the presented List of presentation materials to study the possibility of using innovations in your activities.


List of presentation materials:


Belarusian National Technical University 


1. Equipment      and technology for metal cleaning by laser cleaning

2.     Equipment and technology for applying wear-resistant coatings by thermal spraying .

3.     Technology of laser thermal hardening using scanning devices 

Branch of BNTU "Research Polytechnic Institute"

4.      Production of glued products and structures combined metal-metal, metal-plastic, plastic-plastic to replace welding, riveting, etc.

5.      Composite plain bearings for work in heavily loaded friction units

MOUVO "Belarusian-Russian University"

6.      Technology for improving the wear resistance of tooling and technological equipment

7.      Technology of combined magnetic-dynamic rolling in an active technological medium

8.      Technology of arc welding of structural steels with two-jet coaxial supply of protective gaseous medium components

9.      Computer engineering in the design of machines

10.      Reducers SPHERIO_Mseries

11.      Automatic control system with correction of the power of heat input into the joint zone during resistance relief welding

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian State Industrial University"

12.      Surfacing flux brand NFP

13.      Carbon fluoride flux additive FD-UFS

FGBOUVO Kuzbass State Technical University named after V.I. T.F. Gorbachev"

14.      Grinding wheel reinforced with carbon fiber mesh

OJSC "Minsk Research Institute of Radiomaterials" (general presentation)

15. CH      4 methane concentration monitoring system

16.  System for monitoring the concentration of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide CO and CO 2

ECP "Institute of Welding and Protective Coatings"

17.      Friction Stir Welding

EE "Brest State Technical University"

18.      Plasma hardening of the cutting tool

EE "Mogilev State Polytechnic College"

19.      Balon key

20.      Welded lap joint


We ask you to reflect your interest in the protocol of intent , which is of a questionnaire nature and does not impose any financial or legal obligations.

Please send the scanned protocol to the e-mail of the department-engineering center of the State Institution "BelISA": . We are also looking forward to your suggestions/comments and suggestions on holding events of a similar format.




print version 

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